Visual Studio Code for Python Developers

Yet Another Course Reviewed

Visual Studio Code for Python Developers

  • Course Name: Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
  • Course Author: Joe Marini
  • Source: LinkedIn Learning
  • Duration: 60 Minutes
  • Level: Beginner

For many years, Sublime was the go-to code editor to choose for programmers. It is fast, has extensive features and extensions, supports many languages, and is extremely configurable. It is still quite popular but probably no longer the go-to code editor. That’s because Microsoft released the Visual Studio Code (VSC) in 2015. In the early days, VSC was a poor imitation of Sublime. Microsoft went all out to fill the gaps, added many features until it became better than Sublime (in my personal opinion).

  • It does not teach you how to program using Python.
  • It does not show how best to use VSC.
  • It does not cover using VSC with any of the Python web frameworks such as Flask or Django.
  • It does not cover other great extensions that you can use with VSC and Python.

Here is what I liked about the course:

My favorite chapter was using the Debug feature, which is applicable to all languages and not just Python.
I have never really bothered about Refactoring until today.
The author covered some of the extensions that are very useful if you program in Python such as Docstring, Better Comment, and more.

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