Courses Reviews

Welcome To The Courses Reviews Page

I am in love with online learning. For the past 15 years I have taken more than a few hundred courses online, free and paid., I have watched course on YouTube, Code Academy, Lynda, LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, Udacity, Skillshare, Coursera and many more. The course that I took and still take cover all kind of subjects that are IT and Technology related. So this page will be dedicated to reviewing some of the course that I took before and will take in the future.

Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
Linked Home Page
Rock Your LinkedIn Profile
Adobe Illustrator for Beginners
Adobe Photoshop for Beginners
Learning Microsoft Power Apps
Planning a Microsoft Cloud Solution
Windows Server 2019: Installation and Configuration
Photoshop 2021 Essential Training: The Basics
Creating Icons with Illustrator
Adobe Dimension Essential Training: The Basics
Logo Design: Techniques
Marketing Tools: Social Media
PowerPoint Class: Create a Modern PowerPoint Template
Design Your First Logo
Azure Administration Essential Training
Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop
Photoshop 2021 Quick Start